Owen so cute! Now I know that I am partial. I could go on and on 'til I was blue in the face about all the cute things our O-Boy does and says. I won't do that now, but I did want to share this adorable little tidbit.
Owen has taken to saying "o-tay" for "OK". Cute!
He's Buckwheat from the Little Rascals in reverse... Bone straight hair that's so blond it's nearly white. Creamy skin. Bright blue eyes. But he's got the lingo down!
And he's got the rascal part down too. This whole "reverse" thing is a little bit ironic because of what happened this morning while Owen was playing on Baby Shield. Baby Shield is a program I downloaded to make it safe for Owen to click around with the mouse and tap the keys without doing any harm to the iMac. However, certain key commands still work with Baby Shield on. I am completely unaware of most of them until he hits the magic sequence of keys and poof the computer's normal state changes. An investigation ensues to determine not just how to undo what he did, but what he did in the first place. This morning he did just that and the screen looked like photograph negative. I just so happened to be on the phone with Aunt Juli who knows lots about Mac OS so she was helping me uncover the caper. After about 10 minutes of searching on apple.com, Mac OS help, and Google she found the key command. Control, Option, Command, 8... what? Reverse black and white on the screen.
Leave it to the most mischievous character in "our gang".

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