Owen turned two on June 21st... the first day of summer. Wow! It doesn't seem possible that it's been two years since we brought him home and he was the center of attention for five minutes.
When I look back on that day I see Holden and Emeline waiting on the front porch for our arrival. They looked like they were about to come out of their skin they were so excited. Each of them wanted to hold him right away, as if holding him at home was somehow different than holding him in the hospital. Owen was blissfully unaware of the excitement. He was so patient with being manhandled by a couple clumsy of kids. He willingly accepted all the of kisses, pats, and pokes they dished out that Friday afternoon.
It's a different story these days. Usually, Holden and Emeline are pushing Owen away rather than seeking him out. And Owen isn't loving all the love Emeline gives. These days his response is "Emmmmmeeee!" accompanied by a quick shove. He's into the typical two-year old things... exploring, climbing, destroying... so it makes for some tense sibling moments. But all that of is to be expected.
What I did not expect when we brought Owen home was how wonderfully he would round out our little family. His arrival defined Emeline's role as big sister and made her really shine as a caregiver. Holden more fully assumed the role as big brother because suddenly it was a more interesting job. They both became more independent and less needy of mom and dad.
Owen has also brought a light-hearted joy to our house. Holden is Mr. Serious. Emeline is Miss Drama. Owen is a goof ball (a smart, well-coordinated, quick-thinking one, but still a clown). He's earned the nickname "Dennis"... you can guess why.
As far as development goes, Owen is ahead of schedule. He's taken up potty training all on his own. I haven't changed a stinky diaper in about 3 weeks! His speech is really clear and his vocabulary is astounding at times. At his two-year check up he weighed almost 29 lbs. and he's 33 inches tall. That puts his weight in the 25th percentile and height in 50th percentile. His head circumference? In the 75th percentile! Geez! I knew from the second that kid was born that he had the biggest head of the three!
Ben and I often catch ourselves just staring and smiling at him and saying how we wish he didn't have to grow up. But he does. They all do. And each stage brings a new, exciting bunch of twist and turns. We are in for a terrific ride with Owen!
Sour Apple, Maple Brine
- 1 gallon water
- 1 cup kosher salt
- 2 lemons, halved
- 2 large Granny Smith apples, quartered
- 1/4 cup maple syrup
5 years ago
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