Owen has become obsessed with all things Star Wars and wants to watch an Episode daily. His choice changes depending on his mood. One day it has to be Darth Vader, the next Darth Maul, another day it's all about Anakin.

Emeline enjoys Star Wars with Owen since she loves all things dark and scary, but she has also discovered Kit Kittredge - An American Girl. I really enjoyed the movie too! It's a wonderful story of a 10-year old girl during The Great Depression that is surprisingly applicable to our world today when so many of us are just "a step away from the poor house". Monday she watched Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium and right away she pegged the young boy narrating the story as Kit's friend from the American Girl movie. When he finally appeared on screen, I was shocked that she was right. She is remarkably observant! I had avoided Mr. Magorium when it came out because the movie trailer made the film seem like a 4-year old on Mountain Dew and Skittles, but it really wasn't like that at all. It was a sweet film about being yourself and enjoying life.

Ben has discovered the Independent Film Channel and is expanding his film horizons while stuck home from work due to the freezing temps. He recommeded The Cat's Meow to me. I rarely find the peace and quiet I require to sit and watch a movie and when I do I often fall asleep. Maybe one day...

I have tried to keep the couch potato syndrome at bay by encouraging (or enforcing) reading time too.
Emeline loves the Barbara Park Junie B. Jones series. We have some of the books and have read them all. Currently we are reading Junie B. Jones First Grader Toothless Wonder. She is also reading them in school. She has also started bringing home one easy reader book a week to practice reading on her own and she is doing great! She's got lots of the sight words (high-frequency words) down pat and can sound out just about anything.

Owen's favorite books have to do with... you guessed it! Star Wars. He has a few, but the coolest book ever is The Pop Up Guide to the Galaxy. It's a pop-up book about everything Star Wars Episodes 4-6. It can only be used under adult supervision, but that's ok. Ben and I are amazed at the pop-ups everytime.

Maybe you are wondering why I haven't mentioned Holden. I didn't forget him, but he's a special case. Not really interested in movies or TV. He'd rather not read. So what does he do? He loves scouring the internet for teaching tools. Yes, he loves dreaming of being a teacher and exploring lesson plans and grading books. He hasn't quite gotten the point that to be a teacher you have to have a vast store of personal knowledge. But he's getting knowledge whether he likes it or not. His teacher requires two books a month. This month she assigned his reading group a book that he's choking down and he has a project that involves a non-fiction book. This got him off track from reading the Lemony Snicket Series of Unfortnate Events which he does enjoy. Hopefully, he'll get back to Book 5 in February.

The same thing that I deal with in trying to watch movies keeps me from reading much too. In addition, to the fact that I don't want to pick up a book and start reading only to be disappointed. I'd love some of your suggestions.
Happy hibernating!
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