My only complaint... and I do have one (as usual): Summer's not long enough!
Emeline and Holden went back to classes on Friday for a half day. Monday is teacher in service and Tuesday it's back to reality. Both of the kids had their reservations with back to school. Holden starts middle school (6th-8th grades). Emeline is in first grade this year; "real" school. And big brother's not there. Plus there's the bus. Holden's comes at 6:35 am... ouch! Emeline will be riding on her own this year.
But they both took day one like troopers.
Holden's bus almost passed up our stop. The bus came flying over the hill and past our driveway... only to stop short to get him. He walked on without looking back. And couldn't help but cry as he got on that big yellow box filled with teens and preteens. All on his own. I think I was just as scared as he was that day. When he got home his smile showed me how much he enjoyed it. Even though he doesn't really have any of his elementary school pals in any of his classes he seems to be eager to do back and experience this new part of growing up.
Emeline skipped the bus on the first day and I took her to class. I like to meet the person I am leaving her with rather than just ship her off to the unknown. It is total chaos at that school because I am not the only one who feels that way. In fact, more people bring their children that day than not. But we managed the parking lot... even though Emeline did suggest just going home since there was no where to park. I would have liked that myself... I am a fan of living in denial... even if I don't get to practice it often. Emeline decided by the end of the day that she really loves her new teacher, Mrs. Ferrell. She thinks her Kindergarten teacher has communicated with her new teacher so that she knows exactly what kind of girl Emeline is... hence, the PINK Playdoh on her desk. She can't wait to go back on Tuesday. Wonder if she remembered that she has to take the bus then. Probably not... she's a fan of denial too.
I still wish they were going to be home with me. August is proving to be the hottest month of the summer. Perfect for swimming at Gramma's! Guess Owen and I will get to work on our tans while they are stuck inside... learning. But I am happy they are happy with what life has handed them this 2009-2010 school year.
Let's get it started!
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