...or 2-1/2 hours of sitting in hard folding chairs while sandwiched in an overcrowded room holding a heavyweight, sleeping two-year old, starving, and feeling oddly sad at the arrival of the end of yet another school year.
Yes, Holden "graduated" from elementary school on Thursday, May 21st with much fanfare. Actually, they didn't play the song. I guess it wasn't technically a graduation so they skipped it. Good thing... because as emotional as I was I no doubt would have started to cry. Those cliches get me every time!
Holden is finally happy to be done with 5th grade and ready to move on to middle school next year. I am still quite ambivalent about the whole thing. I am proud of him. His all A report card; his Presidential Award of Academic Excellence; his good relationship with all of his teachers and classmates. He works really hard. The only way to go is up. But I wish he could stay here for a little while longer... for me.
The ache in my gut is still there. I suspect it will remain until middle school becomes the norm. Perhaps writing it down... putting it out there... will help me to let it go and enjoy summer. I know he will!
Holden and Mrs. Terry:
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