Holden had an earlier-than-most Spring Break this year, but he wasn't complaining! He did the usual vacay thing at Granny's house in Louisville where he spent his days at the office... working. Yes, really. He loves that place. Sure he does plenty of made up work like performing "employee reviews", but he's recently earned the privilege of answering the phones. A dream come true for Holden! This time he also helped Granny with the office inventory... hard work according to Holden.
So after all that slave-driving (on the part of Holden)... Emeline, Owen, and I joined them in Louisville for the real fun. But first I had to get my hair "done" by Sandy (the only person I truly trust to come at me with scissors and hair bleach). Once that was out of the way, we could play.
And play we did! The kids love to ride bikes in front of Granny's house. Since she lives on a dead-end street with literally no traffic (the one house at the end is my grandparents and neither one of them drive) they feel like the have the run of the place. While we were there Emeline graduated from tricycle to two-wheeler with training wheels and Owen claimed the trike. Emeline was really moving on the bigger bike (Holden's hand-me-down) and they both liked the added freedom it gave her. Holden and Em actually played together... some. Owen's little legs are long enough to reach the pedals of the trike, but he hasn't put two and two together yet and still rides Flintstone style. He's pretty good at it though and I think he feels like he's keeping up with his older brother and sister.
The real fun happened on Friday afternoon when we took the kids to Incredible Dave's. It's a 21st century version of Chuck E. Chesse with a game area and play structure plus inflatables, bumper cars, bowing and Euro-bungy jumping. And to appeal to adult tastes there is a "fine-dining" restaurant and coffee bar. I think Gordon Ramsey would have a few things to say about the dining since it seems that most everything came straight from the freezer to your plate. Actually, I would have preferred Chuck E. Cheese pizza. And apparently the 21st century thing to do is charge for everything. The play structure and inflatables were $6 for an armband; bumper cars $2; Euro-bungy was $4; games of course were 25¢ to $2 per play. Even the Xbox and Wii cost $2 an hour to play!
But the kids had a blast! And we got out of there spending only $20. Emeline wasn't big enough to ride bumper cars or do the Euro-bungy, but she enjoyed the Princess inflatable. Owen loved the toddler inflatable. Wonder how much those cost because he could have spent an entire day playing in there bouncing from wall to wall, climbing and sliding. If I had one at home, I could actually clean my house!
As always, our time off is too short and we are back to work and school. Holden has TCAP (standardized testing) in a week. Emeline has Kindergarten Round-up next week where she'll get to tour the school, a school bus, and meet some of the teachers. It's hard to believe that there are only six weeks of school left and that in August Holden will be a 5th grader and Emmy will be in kindergarten!
Sour Apple, Maple Brine
- 1 gallon water
- 1 cup kosher salt
- 2 lemons, halved
- 2 large Granny Smith apples, quartered
- 1/4 cup maple syrup
5 years ago
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