Last week I was feeling unusually despondent due to lack of sun in my life. Work was not where I wanted to be after returning from spring break in Louisville and besides that work was not "working". But the atmosphere around the office was upbeat. Someone I work with had been to a concert over the weekend and brought back with her a novelty pair of Corona sunglasses. They were floating around the office Monday. Another girl in the office put them on and commented that it made everything look sunny. By the late afternoon, they ended up on my desk. My S.A.D. mood was apparent to everyone. I had to try out the glasses...
Turns out the yellow lenses do make everything look bright and sunny like the most perfect sunny day you've ever seen. Instantly, the clouds lifted and I felt happier, lighter... buzzed? Suddenly I am miles away from ordinary. And not only am I feeling better, but everyone that looks at me is smiling too! These glass are amazing!
Whoever coined the phrase "April showers bring May flowers" sure did know what they were talking about. So I am on a mission for yellow lens glasses that aren't at conspicuous as these to help me out on the gloomy April days that lie ahead. And if the sun isn't shining where you are... maybe these silly glasses will put a smile on your face by seeing them on mine.

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