Just purchased tickets for a Daughtry concert on December 20. It was an experience to say the least...
Tickets went on sale at 10am. Liane (awesome girl at work) and I are the "ticketmasters". At 10:02am there aren't even 4 tickets available together. Being the resourceful brainiacs that we are, we begin searching sets of two. We find several sets of two. Liane buys three sets! I have one set pulled up but when I go to purchase them... there's an error!
Uhoh... There are four couples we are trying to buy tickets for. And now no more sets of two.
The search for single seats near one another begins! I find two seats in section 12 row F, but not together (seat 5, 8). I purchase seat 8 then click over to purchase seat 5 and the window changes to a purchase confirmation. The ticket is gone! Great... what am I going to do with one ticket? My gut tells me that seat 5 is still there so I keep searching, but it won't pull it back up. The website is remembering that I had it and is giving me every other single seat available before it pulls seat 5 back up.
I call in reinforcements... Juli and Liane. Juli needs a plug-in... she's out! Liane is on it. Section 14... section 15...
Section 12! Row F! Seat 5! She got it! WhooHoo!
So we got all four sets that we needed, but now I need a nap.
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