Emeline is so funny. She says the most hilarious stuff and when we laugh she insists that we stop laughing at her. We try to explain that we aren't laughing at her but at what she said. She's a comedienne, I tell her.
This past week she made me laugh lots...
Sunday evening, Granny called someone a "hillbilly". (That's ok because we're from Kentucky!) Emeline wanted to know what a hillbilly was. After a few explanations, I summed it up by saying a hillbilly was sort a like a redneck. That spawned the question, "why are they called rednecks?". So after another explanation and clarifying that those words were actually meant to be put downs, she thought for just a moment then came back with "what about 'pink-neck'?". The car broke out in laughter while Emeline sat indignant assuming that we were laughing at her. Apparently, in her eyes if being a redneck was a bad thing; being a pink-neck would certainly be better. To a four year old girl, everything is better pink.
The scripture at Mathew 21:16 came to mind after a conversation I had with her last week. "Out of the mouth of babes... you have furnished praise"...
Emeline and I were reminiscing about swimming at Gramma's over the summer and the subject the torpedo toy came up. She informed me that real torpedoes are bombs but she wondered who has real torpedoes. I tell her governments have bombs. So then she asks "does Jehovah's (God) government have torpedoes?". "No", I say, "God's government is one of peace, not war." Then she wants to know if God's government is the government that "took her runny nose medicine off the market" (her exact words).
Her questions are endless. She is learning so much even when we are unaware that she's paying attention to us. But her mind is so logical and she is retaining everything. I am so proud of her.
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