I love hand-me-downs for other reasons too. First of all, it's so amazing to be on the receiving end of the generosity of others. Like I said, I love giving hand-me-downs, but I will admit it: isn't always easy. I have a emotional attachment to my children's clothes (toys, blankets, books, etc.) so letting go of what feels like my memories takes some getting used to. For someone to pass down a box full of their memories to our family means so much. It truly is generous when they could just as easily take the things to consignment and make a little money for more new clothes!
Earlier this week, Holden's bus driver, Mrs. Leah sent him home with a bag of hand-me-downs for Owen. She goes above and beyond her required bus driving duties. That just made my day! This same week I uncovered a box of boy cousin clothes; a box that I'd previously thought was empty! Owen had only about two pair of jeans until I opened that box; now he has about 20!
This brings me to another reason I love hand-me-downs: sentiment. As I took the cousins' clothes out of the box, I took a stroll down memory lane. Remembering when Parker wore this outfit... or when I bought those pants for Wyatt's baby shower... and even reminiscing over a few things Holden wore back in the day. It brings me joy too when I see other kids wearing things that are tied so closely to the experiences we've shared. They become a walking photo album.
So keep 'em coming... I will too!
Owen's stack of passed-down clothes towers over him. He's stylin' now...
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