Upon closer investigation, I see that they appear to be some type of insect in the larvae stage. Want to know what's worse that having bugs in your house? Finding that the bugs have used your home for their gestation. Knowing that there were eggs of some sort that these things were springing forth from was almost too much for me to bear.
A cleaning frenzy ensued. Sweeping, mopping, Swiffering the walls, washing the baseboards and windows. All the furniture. Pictures came off the wall. I felt better... cleaner. I was able to sleep without feeling like I was in the Temple of Doom.
But this morning instead of waking to a clean hallway, there they were again. Instead of following my first instinct and freaking out, I calmly call Amy of Servall Pest Control. She's so sweet and understanding. I love that about people in those types of jobs. Just like you can talk to a gastroenterologist about the function of your bowels without her flinching or a fellow mommy about being projectile vomited on without her face showing even a hint of disgust. Amy listens carefully to my description of the pest du jour and asks a few questions (probably more that the gastroenterologist would!). Then she matter-of-factly diagnoses the problem.
Indian Meal Worms. Larval stage of the Indian Meal Moth. It is a common grain pest. These were coming from a pet supplement (full of grains!) I had stored in the hall by the cat food. I had thrown out what was left of it during my cleaning frenzy the day before, but apparently there were more meal worms hiding out... plotting their invasion.
So I clean more and Amy comes to the rescue with a special glue trap. She brings with her horror stories of other customers and their invasions. I feel better and the larvae invaders have been stopped!
See how frightening...

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